National Certificate in Mechanical Engineering (Level 2)
Course details
NZQF Level | 2 |
About the course
Holders of this qualification have the following skills and knowledge relevant to the mechanical engineering industry:
. health and safety;
. trade mathematics and mechanics;
. metals and other materials used in engineering;
. fasteners and assembly;
. sketching;
. measurement;
. engineering tools;
. machining or fabrication operations; and
. welding safety and procedures.
This qualification leads to trade qualifications in mechanical engineering and engineering fabrication at levels 4 and 5 on the NQF, and ultimately to the National Diploma in Engineering (Level 6) with strands in Mechanical Engineering, Production Engineering, and an optional Practical Endorsement strand [Ref: 0534].
About the provider
First established in 1982 as a service club project of the Gisborne Rotary clubs, the Business and Professional Women’s club and the Lions club, GDI was set up by the then Commissioner of Apprenticeships and the local Director of Maori Affairs Department. Its aim at that time was to facilitate access to employment for the young people of Gisborne.
Gisborne Development Inc is still committed towards raising the skill levels of under-represented youth and the long term unemployed and pathwaying them into industry-based apprenticeships, employment and further training. We work with a number of Industries at both local and national level to improve the access for learners into vocational careers and address the skill shortages that exist within ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ’s economic framework. Learners work towards gaining credits in one of the trades of engineering, carpentry, joinery, furniture making, manufacturing, automotive engineering and automotive electrical.
Our Tutors are all experts in their chosen fields and are willing and able to help you gain the knowledge and skills required to be successful in your chosen career. A mixture of theory and practical skills are taught. Work experience in Industry is also a part of the learning experience.