National Certificate in Security with strands in Court Security, Event Security, Mobile Patrol, Noise Control, Retail Security, Secure Transport, Site Security, and Community Security

Course details

National Certificate in Security with strands in Court Security, Event Security, Mobile Patrol, Noise Control, Retail Security, Secure Transport, Site Security, and Community Security
NZQF Level 3 - 4

About the course

This certificate is a nationally recognised qualification for candidates who are employed or are seeking employment in the security industry and other related sectors.

Graduates of this qualification will have a broad range of skills and knowledge common to all security officers. In particular, they can:
. demonstrate knowledge of protective security;
. respond to emergencies and critical situations;
. demonstrate knowledge of the threat presented by terrorism;
. demonstrate knowledge of security staff interaction with the legal system;
. demonstrate knowledge of and operate electronic equipment;
. manage violence and personal safety;
. demonstrate lawful use of force;
. manage security incidents, breaches, and suspects.

This certificate also offers strands to match the particular type of service in which candidates are engaged. The graduate will have skills and knowledge particular to one of the following strands:

Court security represents competence in maintaining security and safety in law court.

Event security represents competence in maintaining security and safety at events by controlling access of persons, vehicles, materials, and substances, and by patrolling to detect abnormal safety or security issues.

Mobile patrol represents competence in conducting mobile security patrols, providing security for a range of separate sites or locations on scheduled visits, and responding to alarm activations or other warnings.

Noise control represents competence in monitoring, assessing, and responding to breaches of noise regulations.

Retail security represents competence in maintaining security and safety at retail outlets, minimising retail theft and customer fraud, managing access, and protecting stock and cash.

Secure transport represents competence in transporting cash, bullion, or other high value consignments in special purpose vehicles.

Site security represents competence in maintaining security and safety at sites by controlling access of persons, vehicles, materials, and substances, and by patrolling to detect abnormal safety or security issues.

Community security represents competence in providing security services to designated communities, in close cooperation with other agencies.

After qualifying for the certificate in one strand, candidates may qualify for additional strands by completing the requirements of the additional strands.

This qualification builds on the prerequisite, the National Certificate in Security (Level 2) [Ref: 0176] and may lead onto the National Certificate in Security (Level 4) with strands in Senior Security Officer, and Team Leader [Ref: 1479].

About the provider

Framework Solutions International is a private company in the competency based training and assessment business

Framework Solutions International specialises in training and consultancy that is linked to competency based qualifications frameworks, both nationally and internationally. Framework Solutions International has undertaken contracts in Bhutan, Fiji, and Samoa. We are currently working in Botswana with the Botswana Qualifications Authority, providing technical assistance in the development of a National Credit and Qualifications Framework. We are also working in Egypt, developing competency based qualifications in the fields of logistics and renewable energy.

Framework Solutions International has extensive experience in education and training both in the public and private sector, with over 30 years experience in the education sector. Managing Director, Lynn Stanton has personally assisted many Industry Training Organisations (ITOs) and Private Training Establishments (PTEs) with a full range of consultancy and training in such areas as:

  • National Qualifications Frameworks
  • The development of moderation systems
  • Unit standard and occupational standards writing and qualifications packaging
  • Programme development and accreditation
  • Assessor and Moderator training
  • Quality Management Systems and consent to assess applications
  • Train The Trainer courses
  • The National Certificate in Adult Education and Training (Levels 4 and 5)

Clients have included:

  • The Governments of ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ, Bhutan, Fiji, Samoa, Botswana, Kenya, and Egypt.
  • Project work with over 15 ITOs.
  • Numerous PTEs
  • Not for profits such as LIFE Unlimited Hearing Therapy Services and the National Audiology Centre.
  • Individuals.

Whether you are an individual, a small business, or a corporate looking for specific Qualifications Framework consultancy, training or assessment our organisation can find the Framework Solution for your situation.