National Certificate in Maori (Te Ngutu Awa) (Level 4) with optional strands in Reo Maori, Maori Performing Arts, Whakairo, Nga Mahi a te Whare Pora, Reo Maori Media, Hauora, Maori Business and Management, and Tourism Maori
Course details
NZQF Level | 4 |
About the course
Te Ngutu Awa is designed to appeal to Maori with a view to increasing pathways to higher levels of education and training, to enable access to the skills required for employment, and to attest to the ability to participate in, and benefit from, further study thereby promoting lifelong learning.
Te Ngutu Awa has been structured to include optional strands that could provide explicit pathways to specialised qualifications at higher levels in Field Maori:
. The Reo Maori Optional Strand may lead into the National Certificate in Reo Maori (Level 4) [Ref: 0426], or the National Diploma in Reo Maori (Level 5) [Ref: 1196].
. The Maori Performing Arts Optional Strand may lead into the National Certificate in Maori Performing Arts (Performance)(Level 4) [Ref: 0701].
. The Whakairo Optional Strand may lead into the National Certificate in Whakairo (Tuturu) (Level 4) [Ref: 0521] or the National Diploma in Whakairo (Level 5) [Ref: 0745].
. The Nga Mahi a te Whare Pora Optional Strand may lead into the National Certificate in Nga Mahi a te Whare Pora (Pae Tuarua) (Level 4) [Ref: 0706], or the National Diploma in Nga Mahi a te Whare Pora (Pae Tuatoru) (Level 6) [Ref: 0707].
. The Hauora Optional Strand may lead into the National Certificate in Hauora (Maori Health) (Level 4)[Ref: 0710], or the National Diploma in Hauora (Maori Health) (Level 5) [Ref: 0711].
. The Maori Business and Management Optional Strand may lead into the National Certificate in Maori Business and Management [Ref: 0365], or the National Diploma in Maori Business and Management with an optional strand in Iwi Management [Ref: 0366].
. The Tourism Maori Optional Strand may lead into the National Certificate in Tourism Maori (Level 4) [Ref: 1077], or the National Diploma in Tourism Maori (Level 5) [Ref: 1096].
The general requirements of this level 4 qualification have deliberately been left non-prescriptive to enable providers with different expertise, training opportunities, and in different locations to offer a package that is relevant and meaningful for the students in their area. Te Ngutu Awa may also offer a pathway into further achievement in other qualifications as credits gained from the award of this qualification may also be used to count towards other qualifications on the ߺ Qualifications Framework.
People awarded a level 4 qualification have shown that they can work independently and with responsibility for quality. They have the ability to analyse and interpret information and problem solve; and can apply a range of practical and academic skills. The qualification also provides a more advanced foundation for further study and knowledge.
About the provider
Te Rūnanga o Tūranganui ā Kiwa was established in 1986 to promote and support the Iwi of Tūranganui ā Kiwa being Rongowhakaata, Ngāi Tāmanuhiri and Te Aitanga ā Māhaki. However in accordance with Tikanga ā Iwi we provide for all within our rohe.
I whakapūmautia Te Rūnanga o Tūranganui ā Kiwa i te tau 1986 hei whakatairanga , hei tautoko i ngā iwi o Tūranganui ā Kiwa, arā ko Rongowhakaata, ko Ngāi Tāmanuhiri me Te Aitanga ā Māhaki, engari ahakoa nō iwi kē, ka tuku rātonga atu i runga i ngā tikanga ā iwi.
Tūranga Ararau is the Iwi Tertiary Education provider of Te Rūnanga o Tūranganui ā Kiwa and provides and promotes the skills, knowledge and qualifications to enable Iwi to manage, advance and control their cultural and economic resources being the land, the forests, the sea and, most importantly, our people. We are measured on quality outcomes of qualifications, employment and advanced learning.
Ko te kaupapa o Tūranga Ararau he tuku akoranga hei whakatairanga , hei whakapiki I ngā pūkenga, mātauranga me ngā Tohu e taea ai e te iwi te whakahaere, te tiro whakamua, te whakarite tikanga me ngā rauemi, rawa, ohanga o te whenua , o te moana engari ko te mea nui ko ngā iwi. Ka whakataungia ngā uara ki ngā putanga o ngā Tohu, te whiwhinga mahi, me te whakapiki ake akoranga.
Haere mai ki Tūranga Ararau kia kite koutou i ngā āhuatanga whakahaere, āhuatanga akoranga hei whakatairanga, hei āwhina i a koutou ki te eke ki ngā taumata o te mātauranga, me te whakauru atu ki ngā mahi e hiahiatia ana me te whakarite I ō whaiaro. Whakauru mai ki ngā akoranga i āwhina i te nui, i te rahi kua puta ki ngā mahi o te rohe, me te hapori, me ētahi hoki kua whai Tohu Mātauranga e whiwhi ai rātou i ngā mahi e kaingakautia e rātou.
Come on in and check out what we have to offer as here, at Turanga Ararau, we are committed to help you achieve your career and personal goals. Join the many of our graduates who, through our industry and community connections, have graduated to higher learning or rewarding and sustainable employment in Gisborne, Te Tairāwhiti, and beyond.