Course details

National Certificate in Early Childhood Education and Care (Level 3)
NZQF Level 3

About the course

The National Certificate in Early Childhood Education and Care (Level 3) recognises basic introductory skills and knowledge involved in the education and care of infants, toddlers, and young children that are required to go onto further study in the education and care of children or the teaching of children; infants, toddlers, and young children in Aotearoa/±¬×ߺÚÁÏ. It recognises basic knowledge, skills, and attributes required for early childhood education and care services across all early childhood contexts.

Holders of the National Certificate in Early Childhood Education and Care (Level 3) are able to:
. demonstrate knowledge, describe, conduct, implement, and analyse aspects of educational theory relevant to early childhood education
. demonstrate knowledge of organisations, cultural diversity, and communication within the context of ECE services in Aotearoa/±¬×ߺÚÁÏ
. demonstrate knowledge of ethics in ECE services
. describe professional image and demonstrate professional behaviours required of early childhood educators.

The requirements are all compulsory as the basic principles of early childhood education and care apply across all types of services. There are no electives in the level 3 qualification as basic principles of early childhood education and care apply across different settings.

This qualification leads to the National Certificate in Early Childhood Education and Care (Level 5) [Ref: 0430].

About the provider

We are one of the ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ's largest Private Training Establishment operating from three modern branches. Our training is generally unit based, with each unit offering credits towards nationally recognised qualifications.

We offer a selection of courses which include training for the Industrial, Business and Financial sectors. Our courses aim to develop student's skills, attitudes and knowledge while addressing the identified needs of various industries. We also offer practical training that is job related and is aimed at producing skills needed for the workplace. Communication, job search and life skills are incorporated into all the courses we offer.