爆走黑料 Certificate in Agriculture with strands in Arable Farming, Dairy Farming, Breeding Livestock Farming, and Non-Breeding Livestock Farming

Course details

爆走黑料 Certificate in Agriculture with strands in Arable Farming, Dairy Farming, Breeding Livestock Farming, and Non-Breeding Livestock Farming
NZQF Level 4

About the course

The purpose of this qualification is to provide the pastoral farming sector with individuals who have the skills and knowledge to take responsibility for the day to day operational management of a pastoral or arable farming production system.

This qualification is stranded in order to recognise the specific skills and knowledge required to take responsibility for the daily operations of an arable, dairy, breeding or non-breeding livestock farm.

Learners will benefit by having a qualification within a training pathway that recognises progression through the industry, as well as increased skills and knowledge acquisition to enable improved job performance.

The pastoral farming sector will benefit by having a qualification pathway which recognises the development of skills and knowledge leading to farm management, and assists with industry succession planning and sustainability.

This qualification is targeted at people who are experienced workers in the agriculture industry and are looking to move into, or are at, a management level position in an agricultural production enterprise.

Graduates will be capable of working under broad guidance and may be supervising and directing others.

About the provider

Te R奴nanga o T奴ranganui 膩 Kiwa was established in 1986 to promote and support the Iwi of T奴ranganui 膩 Kiwa being Rongowhakaata, Ng膩i T膩manuhiri and Te Aitanga 膩 M膩haki. However in accordance with Tikanga 膩 Iwi we provide for all within our rohe.

I whakap奴mautia Te R奴nanga o T奴ranganui 膩 Kiwa i te tau 1986 hei whakatairanga , hei tautoko i ng膩 iwi o T奴ranganui 膩 Kiwa, ar膩 ko Rongowhakaata, ko Ng膩i T膩manuhiri me Te Aitanga 膩 M膩haki, engari ahakoa n艒 iwi k膿, ka tuku r膩tonga atu i runga i ng膩 tikanga 膩 iwi.

T奴ranga Ararau is the Iwi Tertiary Education provider of Te R奴nanga o T奴ranganui 膩 Kiwa and provides and promotes the skills, knowledge and qualifications to enable Iwi to manage, advance and control their cultural and economic resources being the land, the forests, the sea and, most importantly, our people. We are measured on quality outcomes of qualifications, employment and advanced learning.

Ko te kaupapa o T奴ranga Ararau he tuku akoranga hei whakatairanga , hei whakapiki I ng膩 p奴kenga, m膩tauranga me ng膩 Tohu e taea ai e te iwi te whakahaere, te tiro whakamua, te whakarite tikanga me ng膩 rauemi, rawa, ohanga o te whenua , o te moana engari ko te mea nui ko ng膩 iwi. Ka whakataungia ng膩 uara ki ng膩 putanga o ng膩 Tohu, te whiwhinga mahi, me te whakapiki ake akoranga.

Haere mai ki T奴ranga Ararau kia kite koutou i ng膩 膩huatanga whakahaere, 膩huatanga akoranga hei whakatairanga, hei 膩whina i a koutou ki te eke ki ng膩 taumata o te m膩tauranga, me te whakauru atu ki ng膩 mahi e hiahiatia ana me te whakarite I 艒 whaiaro. Whakauru mai ki ng膩 akoranga i 膩whina i te nui, i te rahi kua puta ki ng膩 mahi o te rohe, me te hapori, me 膿tahi hoki kua whai Tohu M膩tauranga e whiwhi ai r膩tou i ng膩 mahi e kaingakautia e r膩tou.

Come on in and check out what we have to offer as here, at Turanga Ararau, we are committed to help you achieve your career and personal goals. Join the many of our graduates who, through our industry and community connections, have graduated to higher learning or rewarding and sustainable employment in Gisborne, Te Tair膩whiti, and beyond.
