Te Ara Hou Te Ahikāroa
Course details
About the course
He tohu t膿nei m艒 te hunga kua whai p奴kenga, whai wheako, whai mahi, whai tohu m膩tauranga r膩nei, ki te kaupapa o te ako i roto i ng膩 wharekura, kura tuarua r膩nei. Ko te t奴膩papa o te tohu ko te reo M膩ori, ng膩 tikanga M膩ori me te m膩tauranga M膩ori. Ka aro atu ki te P奴taiao me te P膩ngarau Tuarua, ko koutou e hiahia ana kia rua ng膩 tohu, hei te tau tuarua, ka t墨mata koutou ki te whai i te kaupapa mahinga ng膩tahi (conjoint degree) e p膩 ana ki te p奴taiao, ki te p膩ngarau r膩nei.
About the provider
The University of Waikato, located in the central North Island cities of Hamilton and Tauranga, is an internationally recognised tertiary institution offering degree programmes designed to produce job-ready graduates. Each year, the University provides more than 2,000 industry placements and internship opportunities, believing its students benefit from the chance to put the theory they have learnt in classrooms, into practice in a real-world employment environment. When students choose to study at waikato, they gain a globally recognised education. In 2019, the QS World University Rankings placed the University of Waikato 266th in the world, an improvement of 135 places in five years. The University is also in the top 5% of all globally ranked institutions for research impact, meaning their research is among some of the most influential in the world.