Course details

Master of Civil Engineering

About the course


The Master of Civil Engineering (MCivilEng) is a taught postgraduate programme that enhances an engineer’s knowledge and skills, improving their prospects for career progression. Acquiring advanced knowledge in Civil Engineering through the Master of Civil Engineering aims to produce graduates who:* have developed advanced knowledge and skills relevant to their future careers in a research or professional environment

  • have developed mastery of topics relevant to design, analysis, and management of civil infrastructure systems, so that they can provide leadership in a professional context and engage effectively with future research opportunities
  • apply independent thinking and advanced knowledge and skills to the development and remediation of civil infrastructure systems
  • engage effectively and confidently in a variety of academic and professional settings
  • provide expertise to support high-level decision making processes
  • have the interpersonal skills needed to be ready for the workplace, with the attributes listed on the UC graduate profile.

The programme requires students to successfully complete courses for a total of 120 points. This typically involves taking eight 15-point courses, four per semester. However, there are options for part-time study as well as distance learning.

The MCivilEng can be awarded unendorsed, or endorsed in:* Construction Management

  • Earthquake Engineering
  • Geotechnical Engineering
  • Structural Engineering
  • Structural Fire Engineering
  • Transportation Engineering
  • Water Engineering

Entry requirements

Entry requirements

Students that have completed an Aotearoa ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ Bachelor of Engineering with Honours or a Bachelor of Science with Honours in a relevant subject, or the Postgraduate Certificate in Civil Engineering with good grades, may be admitted to the programme with approval based on the relevance of their previous studies.

If English is your additional language, you are also required to meet UC's .

For the full entry requirements, see the or use the .

How to apply

You can apply online at .

See for all information on enrolling at UC.

About the provider

At the University of Canterbury you will get to enjoy the very best a university has to offer 'a world class learning environment, a vibrant campus and a great student lifestyle that's packed with opportunities.

You will gain hands-on experience in courses led by academics who are actively engaged in research and who are experts in their fields. The culture promotes active learning, where the vibrant community allows you to be who you are and do what you love. UC's picturesque campus with modern teaching and research facilities is set in the heart of a city that has become a magnet for growth and innovation. Further afield lies a region packed with outdoor adventure, from the mountains to the sea.
