Course details

Previous years

About the course

December 2020

WDC Order in Council Consultation.

The Order in Council process is what is required to stand up the Workforce Development Councils as Crown-owned entities.

August 2020
July 2020
June 2020 Interim Establishment Boards for Workforce Development Councils appointed
April 2020

The 16 Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics (ITPs) become subsidiary companies to Te PÅ«kenga (±¬×ߺÚÁÏ Institute of Skills and Technology)

Industry Training Organisations (ITOs) become Transitional Industry Training Organisations (TITO’s)

December 2019 After consultation on the number of Workforce Development Councils, Education Minister, Chris Hipkins, announced that there will be six industry-led Workforce Development Councils.
August 2019 After a period of consultation, the reforms were committed to proceed
February 2019 Announcement of reforms

About the provider

As the largest Industry Training Organisation in the country Skills works across 23 different industries from plumbing, and electrical through to scaffolding, real estate and more. We act as a broker between industry, government and training providers, to develop standard setting qualifications, that will help develop the leaders of tomorrow.

For more than 25 years, we’ve been helping train up the next generation of tradies and professionals. We work with industries to ensure that qualifications provide trainees with the right skills at the right time.