Outdoor Experiences Qualifications (Level 3, 4)
Course details
NZQF Level | 3 |
About the course
Who are these qualifications for?    
Skills Active has developed two Outdoor Experiences qualifications:
±¬×ߺÚÁÏ Certificate in Outdoor Experiences (Level 3)
±¬×ߺÚÁÏ Certificate in Outdoor Experiences (Level 4)
These qualifications are designed to be completed on-the job while undertaking roles such as pest control, track maintenance, Defence Force field work, ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ land search and rescue, and rangering.
Graduates are only able to operate under the direct supervision and guidance of an outdoor leader.
This pathway of qualifications provides a framework for the trainee to progress from managing their own personal safety in low-technical and low-risk outdoor settings, all the way through to managing risk while undertaking outdoor experiences in unfamiliar and dynamic environments.
Please note that these qualifications are only available as customised programmes for specific employers. with us for more information.
What's involved?
Preparing for your own outdoor experience, taking into account equipment, weather, terrain, and logistic requirements (Level 3)
Operating safely in unfamiliar and dynamic outdoor environments, managing yourself and taking into account equipment, weather, logistics, and safety management, and maintaining personal fitness and the physical skills required to operate safely (Level 4).
About the provider
Te Mahi Ako is a Private Training Enterprise (PTE) funded by the government to create world-class, nationally-recognised programmes linked to qualifications that staff can complete on the job. The benefit of on-the-job training is that you are earning an income, gaining a qualification, and getting real-life experience, all in one go. And because Te Mahi Ako’s programmes are government-subsidised, they are very affordable.
Te Mahi Ako works with a wide range of facilities throughout ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ, from small to large. Te Mahi Ako or the facility will provide learning resources and assessment tasks for the staff member, and supporting materials will help the workplace to deliver the training. In some cases, an organisation’s own in-house training programme will be aligned to a Te Mahi Ako programme, so staff members who complete the in-house training will simultaneously earn a national qualification. Te Mahi Ako also has a Recognition of Current Competency process, which means that you may be able to get your existing skills and experience recognised through a qualification.
To enrol in a Te Mahi Ako on-the-job qualification, you must be employed in the industry or be a volunteer. Make sure to check with the business that you’re working in, or would like to work in, to see if they are already registered with Te Mahi Ako.
For more information go to: www.temahiako.org.nz